Here you can find the latest projects and resources on topics such as IP address location, rogue DHCP server detection, and Winget CLI installation. Explore my website to see what I'm currently working on, or check out my resources for helpful tips and tutorials.
Winget is a command line tool that allows users to easily install, update, and manage applications. It offers a convenient way to discover, install, and manage applications, as well as keep them up to date, without having to visit various websites or use different installation methods.
The project is a combination of a C# program and a Discord bot that detect and alert about rogue DHCP servers. The program runs in the background, checking every minute and sending alerts through the Discord bot to a specified Discord server channel. The Discord bot also has commands for manual checks. This project is useful for network administrators who want to be notified about rogue DHCP servers.
Currently there is no Github repository for it.
This program allows you to lookup the location of an IP address. It also displays your public and local IP addresses. This project was started over a year ago, but has not been actively updated for some time. Despite this, it remains a useful tool for those looking to find the location of an IP address.